Auditing is one basic function of all Chartered Accountancy firms, but what sets
our auditing procedures apart is that we conduct audit in compliance with the principles
of the International Accounting Standards. All transactions and procedures are thoroughly
verified, the discrepancies, if any, are documented and ways to correct them are
suggested. We consider it our duty to ensure that all your records are accurate
and up to date. Keeping this view in mind we make sure that our auditing function
does not just end with verifying and checking but extends to confirm that the systems
and procedures of book keeping and other processes are error free and not liable
to fraud. Having been in this profession for over 37 years has made us an expert
of sorts in auditing and rarely is there any problem that escapes our expert and
watchful eyes.
Internal Audit
In addition to external/ statutory audit we help set up internal audit function based on our experience gained from working with various international companies and technology and knowledge developed by us. While laying down the parameters for internal audit function we focus on critical issues affecting your business to help you lower your business risks